Most of DAR's volunteer work is accomplished by the grassroots efforts of chapters on the local level which focus on the mission areas of DAR — Historic Preservation, Education and Patriotism — by encouraging members to become involved in these initiatives in their local communities. Below are some of the volunteer and leadership opportunities available to Freedom Hill Chapter members. As a member, you're also welcome to form new committees.
American history
Local middle and elementary school students are invited to participate in essay contests on assigned subjects in American history. This committee works with schools for the purpose of awarding certificates and medals to outstanding essay authors. Entries are judged by the chapter, and the best are forwarded for an additional award consideration by state and national levels.
american indians
Our chapter has established continued group support that benefits the Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and the Chemawa Indian School in Salem, Oregon.
For over 30 years, representatives from our chapter have attended naturalization ceremonies in Alexandria, Virginia. We express words of welcome to our new American citizens and give each one a small American Flag.
dar project patriot
DAR Project Patriot Committee supports America’s service personnel in current conflicts abroad. The national committee currently assists the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Landstuhl, Germany.
dar scholarship
Each year, the national scholarship committee selects a deserving young woman who is a U.S. citizen, by either birth or naturalization and is graduating from a local public high school, to receive a college scholarship.
literacy promotion
This committee promotes opportunities to work with adults and children in the areas of reading, writing, and language. Examples include: volunteering in schools as a mentor, tutor, special events speaker, assisting with English as a second language classes, and GED preparation. In addition, this committee donates books and/or dictionaries to students at schools in our area.
Our chapter’s membership committee contacts prospective members who have expressed an interest in joining DAR through our chapter. Prospective members are welcome to join us at monthly meetings. The committee members encourage prospectives to seek the available assistance in her required genealogical research until final approval of her application papers.
“Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”